Tuesday, 17 November 2009

I am a mountain biker, hear me roar whimper!

So, later than advertised I made it back onto 2 wheels. I rode in on friday, pedalling wasn't too bad walking is a major pain tho. I think I my pedal twatted my calf in the crash, there's a big lump and it's seized up. Standing up straight with feet flat on the floor is tricky and I can only hobble along. It's not much better today, I can stretch my calf out a bit and then I can manage to walk properly but it soon tightens up again and moving my foot much causes a burning/throbbing sensation in my calf. As I said pedalling is OK but bumpy ground is most definitley not. Going over some broken tarmac in swinton the other day caused me to swear quite a lot and I've been avoiding that patch since. So I'll stick to the blacktop for another week or so and try to keep stretching my leg. Not a happy bunny, only myself to blame - bloody stupid idiot hitting stuff so fast in the wet. Worst crash since spain in 2007 (that was me being stupid too).

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